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Tea FAQs
What are the main types of tea?
There are three main types of tea produced in the world. Black, green and oolong. The difference in types is based, to some extent, on plant variety and most significantly on processing technique.
How many varieties of tea are there?
There are over 1000 varieties of tea, classified as white, green, oolong, and black.
Which tea is healthier?
More antioxidants and less caffeine means green tea is typically considered the healthier option.
Where did Green Tea originate from?
Green tea originated in south-west China and has been used as a beverage and medicine in China since 2700 BC.
Are there health benefits in drinking green tea?
Green tea is high in protective polyphenols. These are known to protect the body against disease and make an important contribution towards a healthy, balanced diet.
Is green tea safe for everyone?
If you’ve been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anaemia you should be aware that, like other teas, green tea contains natural compounds called tannins. These compounds interfere with the absorption of iron – for this reason it’s useful to avoid drinking tea with an iron-rich meal and leave at least one hour before having a brew.
What is Macha tea?
Macha is a type of green tea made from the powdered leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Originally served at tea ceremonies in Japan, so called Macha tea is now widely available and used in cooking.
What is the shelf life of tea?
Pure tea has a shelf life of 1-2 years. Tea with preservatives has an average shelf life of 12-36 months.
Is leaf tea better than tea bags?
Loose leaf may contain more bioactives because they use higher quality leaves. The leaves in teabags are cut smaller, and this is thought to enhance the extraction process.
Does milk change the health benefits of tea?
Some studies have suggested milk alters the antioxidant activity and health benefits of tea. But others have shown the same level of antioxidants reach the blood after consuming tea with and without milk.
How long should tea be brewed?
Getting the maximum health benefit from your cuppa is more about the brewing than the tea you choose. Brewing with freshly boiled water for two to three minutes, as per the instructions, extracts about 60 per cent of the catechins, 75 per cent of the caffeine and 80 per cent of the L-theanine. The longer you brew the more bioactives you get, but also the stronger the taste.